Friday 3 January 2014

Day 3 of the train to Siberia

Our last day on the train today.
Coffee with breakfast
The weather is increasingly cold and the last station showed it was down to minus 14.

Typical village we'd see
We took a walk to both ends of the train. The drivers area at the front and the dining car at the back.
Getting cold between the coaches
Roy chills his beers by placing them between the carriages.

We have lost quite a few hours along the trip which is quite confusing. My watch and the timetable is on Moscow time, so it will say midday, but it's actually 5 hours later and already dark. But we had such a beautiful sunset.

So at 4 Moscow time we packed our bags and soon after tried to get some decent sleep. The train was going through a hilly section so made some violent bangs when the coaches knock against each other. At some stage during the night I woke up with the numb ear from the pillow which felt like a rock and wondered why on earth I'd not made a normal pillow using my down jacket. I suppose after the first inebriated night I'd not thought further and from then on just taken the Chinese torture as normal. Did I mention that it seemed there were Russian and Chinese coaches and we were in a Chinese one. I only realised late in our trip that this was our only luxury train journey with a shower. The future ones are all shared. It was indeed a lovely experience!

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