Tuesday 14 January 2014


We tried getting off the train and our conductor sign languaged us back inside. How do they remember each passengers destination, or is it that Westerners still stand out? People do stare at us and it seems that normally this means they'd like to engage with you. Or at least just return a smile. We've also been asked to pose with for photographs. We got off at the next station and our hotel man was waiting with a big sign saying ROY. He drove us to our hotel in the dark and into the courtyard and to our room.
Our room on the bottom right, taken later when light
It is lovely with the typical Chinese bed with a table in the middle and Chinese style bedding.

We took much overdue showers (is it 3 days without one! ) and slept till nearly midday. We caught up on some emails and then went walking in the city.
Sweet dog near our hotel

It's extremely polluted and the streets around our hotel are very dingy, but soon you get to the main street which is beautiful with red lanterns all all way along. It would have looked magical at night but they weren't lit.

The whole place feels a little quiet because it's coming up to Chinese holidays so many have gone to see family. But it was still lovely and we spent the afternoon browsing the small shops. We bought tickets which allow entry to all the museums for 3 days. We only saw the bank and will do the rest tomorrow.

I bought myself a new beanie which I am enjoying. It has a section which covers my ears and doesn't ride up my head like my previous one. I met a Bhudist man in one shop who had chanting playing. He is studying Buddhism and said all the learning temples have been closed in China. I bought some beautiful throws from him.

As we left his shop a wedding ceremony came past. The bride was dressed in red and was being carried down the street by her groom with help from friends. They carried a stool that she stood on when they needed a break. The men were loud and boystrous and all having a good time.

We dropped our shopping back at the hotel, checked mail and fetched our down jackets. It's also pretty cold here, but not as biting. Prediction was minus 10 which feels right.

We are now sitting in a restaurant having hot pot.

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