Saturday 18 January 2014

Last day in Beijing

After packing our bags for one of the last times this trip, we checked out of the hotel and left our bags at reception. Got the metro to Panjiayuan antique market. There wasn't much we found interesting and had the bargaining issue again. There were some lovely bowls I would have bought, but at R80 a small bowl it wasn't worth it, so I walked on. We did get a nice iron tea pot for a fair price and will treasure it as our Chinese souvenir.
Got one of the delicious egg pancakes.
Egg on pancake with crunchy stuff
Wondering how to spend our last afternoon we got the metro to the Forbidden City area walked through the hutong (old street layouts) to the gardens behind the Forbidden City.

Forbidden City garden Wall from the hutongs, and my new friend
In the Forbidden City garden, with it's man made lakes
From the gardens we walked back to our hotel, passing an ice rink on a lake,

before having lunch at a very overpriced restaurant right in the centre of where all of Beijing seemed to be spending the weekend.

We ambled back to our hotel to collect the bags and then got the metro and the express train to the airport. We had a coffee while waiting for check in to open and then spent the last two hours waiting in the business lounge. The airport was strangely quiet. Our flight home was lovely. My first ever booked business class long flight and we were treated like royalty. Table laid, lovely food and best of all, a bed!
Sleeping in business class - I like!
Slept well and woke feeling refreshed.

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